Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Uber What!?

Since over lunch some of us do not know what Übersexual means, here's the explanation from WiKipedia.

"Übersexual is a neologism for a conception of manhood. It is reputed by some to be similar to a metrosexual, a phase coined by journalist Mark Simpson, in that the male is "refined", but contains more of an implication of confidence and traditional notions of manhood than the former term. However the authors of the book, FUTURE OF MEN, who created "ubersexuality" argue that the ubersexual is not derivative of the metrosexual man.

Examples of who could be defined as Übersexual include Ewan McGregor, George Clooney, Charlie McGrath, and Bono of the rock band U2, all named by ad agency JWT as top ubers."


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